design sprint

product design

Combating sexual ​exploitation


Liberta works to break the silence about sexual violence against ​children and adolescents. We want to make Brazil understand the ​seriousness, talk about the issue and fight for public prevention ​and care policies. We work with all forms of communicating the ​problem: campaigns, seminars, programs, conversation circles, ​research, professional training and advocacy. We participate in ​coalitions and mobilize institutions, when necessary, to assist ​victims.


In Brazil, the sexual exploitation of ​children and adolescents has alarming ​numbers. In the same way, society's ​ignorance is frightening. When we are ​not faced with ignorance, we face the ​naturalization of the situation. We ​are talking about thousands of girls ​and boys subjected to an unworthy ​life, which will bring almost ​insurmountable traumatic ​consequences.

Given this situation, we understand that the ​role of the government and civil society ​goes in two directions: rescuing these girls ​and boys who are already in this situation ​and, above all, preventing others from ​entering.

The study above points to the fact that ​social awareness is one of the most ​important strategies for combating sexual ​exploitation. Only then will we be able to ​draw everyone's attention and "denaturalize" ​this perverse and criminal behavior.


The MESA ("A team-based work system designed to solve complex ​challenges by unleashing human potential to process more and execute ​faster.") was the fertile soil of the solution. I had the pleasure ​to see Barbara Soalheiro leading an extraordinary team composed by ​Luciana Temer, Itala Herta, Cris Bartis, Cris Guterres, Giulia ​Fagundes, Jules Faria, Jessica Gomes, Erick Mazer, Fernando ​Binkowski, Gabriel Giacomini, Pedro Garcia de Moura, Chebel, Rodrigo ​Guima, Tamy Niski, Thaís Mancini, Sophie Wajngarten, Cristina ​Cordeiro e Guilherme Cordeiro. Together, we draw a solution to stop ​the silence around the sexual exploitation of children and ​adolescents in Brazil.



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